Fairphone 2 - Hiccup

Hiccup is a stability reporting tool that enables gathering stability data for detecting and fixing software and hardware issues. The tool was introduced to the Fairphone 2 in 2016 (further details can be found in the corresponding support article). It contains a client (an app and a daemon) and a server. Given the user’s consent, the client sends heartbeats and crash reports to the server.


The source code of the server can be found on our public gerrit instance. You can clone the code with the following command:

$ git clone https://gerrit-public.fairphone.software/tools/hiccup/hiccup-server

In case you are planning to contribute in the future, you need to clone the project using SSH instead of HTTPS. Therefore, we kindly ask you to create an account and upload an SSH key. Afterwards, you can clone the repository as follows:

$ git clone ssh://gerrit-public.fairphone.software:29418/tools/hiccup/hiccup-server

The project README contains further information on how to set up the Hiccup server locally.